Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 2 Day 3 Letter B

 I wrote the ABC's on little plastic balls and put them in the pack-n-play on the bassinet setting with- out the pad.  I had more B's then the other letters, so every time they found a "B" it went through the hoop.  Some followed directions, others did not.  But they all looked at the letters and were trying to identify the different ones the found.  Also colors! 
 This was a sorting activity.  I got sand from Northmore Park.  And put a bunch of those little erasers and marbles mixed in the Sand.  The kids then sorted through the sand and organized the objects into the little baskets.  Marbles were the favorite item to find.  I put a twister mat under the table and then just shook it outside when Preschool was over.  The kids were really good about trying their hardest to keep the sand in the bin!  We have some great kiddos!
 Left overs from other projects and Letter Stamps!  Lots of fun!
 And of course the TRAIN TABLE!  We changed the Track up this week which made it exciting again!
 Pretty much all the kids enjoyed throwing the balls through the Hoop!
 More Organizing!
Jordan showing off his Apple!

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