Wednesday, October 24, 2012

E for Exploring Light
Children arrived and played. They played until everyone arrived. We did Circle time, we started first with the helper chart. We always start with the prayer before we do anything else.  Really no story was read, but we did sing some songs about light and stars. I had my house set up to have it be quite dark in my house. I had a few lights on when everyone arrived and then I talked to the kids while I turned the lights off. I had them sit in the dark for awhile and then had them turn on their lights. They went around shining their lights at each other at the walls. I turned mine on and they started to dance in their shadows, my flash light was pretty big. They like that a lot. I had them look on the kitchen floor with their flash lights and they saw some glow in the dark stars. We then went outside to see if we could trace our shadows, there was no sun to be seen. So they just ran around on the grass. I also tried to trace their shadows inside, at least their profiles. They wouldn’t stay still very well. Xander was holding the flash light very still.  Snack time around 11:00
I have realized that this schedule is not the best for my house. I have thought about it and I will modify it a bit. Have the craft at the beginning and circle time after, lesson, and play time. And snack always at 11:00 or so.

Week  5
E for Explore.
We had Joy school at the park today 10/8. All the children played until everyone arrived or until 9:30.They had fun climbing and running around. We then had circle time. Started with “whom as here”, next the Helper chart, prayer, pledge and calendar Kelea drew a triangle for us. We went right into our lesson for the day, which was exploring of nature and our surroundings. Stories were “A Closer look” and “The Look Book”. Then we sang the song “an Austrian went yodeling”. We then went exploring with some toilet paper rolls I had made into “lookers” or binoculars for the kids to use while on their search for some animals. I had place in a small part of the park pictures of animals on the trees. They had a fun time looking and bringing them to me. We finished gathering them up and we went back to do the activity. The activity was put some of the animals in an envelope. I had outlined an E and e for them to trace. Some of them were able to do it, others not so much. Some of them colored the animals others drew lines on each one and called it good. It was windy and cold today.  So paper was flying everywhere.  Snack time was after that -11:00.  That was a little crazy. We will see how Wednesday will go with this kind of schedule.